Domain Registrant Record Update Form

This form should be used only when you would like to update the registrant record for your domain following a change in the registrant address and contact information.

If you registered your domain name through GlobalFront and your domain is in good payment standing, then you can request us to update registrant records for your domain by using the form below. Please note that registrant records for a domain that expired and then was reactivated by GlobalFront, may not be changed for the initial 60 days following expiration and reactivation of the domain.

You can verify registration status for your domain by using our domain lookup utility. Thanks.


Information about You and the Domain

Your Name (First M. Last):

Email Address:
Phone Number:
Domain Name:
Authentication Method:
Authentication Entry*:

*Please enter the authentication entry (domain password, OR the last 4 digits of your credit card that you used to purchase or renew this domain with GlobalFront, OR the last 4 digits of your checking account number from the check that you used to purchase or renew this domain with GlobalFront).

Note: If you registered your domain through GlobalFront and forgot your password, then you can find your password here, provided you have access to the email address you used to order domain services from us.

Domain Registrant Information Updates

IMPORTANT: Due to ICANN policy changes at the beginning of 2014, any changes in Registrant email address will need to be validated by the registrant through clicking a verification link in a follow-up verification email message. You understand that GlobalFront will not be liable for any suspension of your domain name(s) or associated services by the registrar due to your failure to complete the verification using the proper link in the verification email message.

Registrant Address (Line 1):
Address (Line 2):
Zip Code:

Authorization and Agreement

By submitting this form, I authorize GlobalFront to update the contact record for the domain specified on this page. I confirm that I am the owner of the domain or I have been authorized by the owner of the domain to request the update(s) specified on this page. I understand that GlobalFront may further contact me or the current registrant or contact(s) for the domain for verification before GlobalFront processes the update requests made on this form. By selecting "I Agree" in the box below and clicking the submit button, I further acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agree to comply with GlobalFront policies.

If you agree to the above, then please select
"I agree" Here:

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All Rights Reserved.